

Applications of Digital Signal Processing with Machine Learning 


Prof. Dr. Jonatan Lerga, University of Rijeka, Croatia


November   6, 2023               

November 10, 2023           

Abstract of the talk:

Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and Machine Learning (ML) represent dynamic and evolving fields with significant implications for various industries. DSP has long been instrumental in analyzing, manipulating, and extracting valuable information from nonstationary digital signals. Traditional DSP techniques have played a pivotal role in domains such as telecommunications, audio processing, image analysis, and more. However, the advent of Machine Learning has introduced a paradigm shift, enabling systems to autonomously learn patterns, adapt to changing conditions, and make data-driven decisions. In this talk, we will present the research results in combining the classic DSP with ML at the University of Rijeka (Croatia), Faculty of Engineering and Center for Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity, focusing on numerous applications in different fields such as medical imaging, biomedical signals analysis, seismology, hydrology, and other.

Jonatan Lerga received a Ph.D. from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia, in 2011. He is currently a Vice-Dean and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, Croatia, where he is also the Head of the Information Processing Laboratory. In addition, he is the Head of the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity at the University of Rijeka, Croatia. He published over 70 scientific papers, with more than 40 papers in WoS journals indexed in CC, SCI, and SCI-E. Prof. Lerga received numerous awards for his work, including the National Science Award from the Republic of Croatia, awards from the Croatian Science and Arts Academy and Hungarian Ludovika Scholarship in 2022, the Croatian Academy of Engineering for his in 2013, the Annual Awards of the City of Rijeka in 2015, and the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County in 2018. Also, he received awards from the Foundation of the University of Rijeka in 2008, 2010, and 2018. He led and collaborated in numerous EU and nationally funded projects and edited two international WoS. Also, he participated in organizing 17 scientific conferences and held 16 invited speeches. He spent almost a year at European universities and reviewed over 250 papers for international journals and conferences. His main research interests include artificial intelligence applications, digital signal and image processing, coding, and cryptography.

Project no. TKP2021-NVA-29 has been implemented with the support provided by the Ministry of Culture and Innovation of Hungary from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, financed under the TKP2021-NVA funding scheme.